Juice Master

Juice Master

Photography + Video + Design

Product Photography
Promotional Videos
Instructional Videos
Lifestyle Photography
Food Photography
Recipe Videos
Graphic Design


Print Materials
Social Media

The Brief

We were asked by “Juice Master” Jason Vale to support the launch of his “bad boy” juicer and blender combo with branding, packaging design, and a range of video and photo assets for the website and social media.

The Vibe

Sleek, professional, engineered.


The Juice Master Cold Press and Juice Master Super Blend represent the serious side of health. Working in our custom-built kitchen set, we captured a wide range of photography and video that captured this vibe. We also worked on the packaging and printed materials that are included with the two products.

The launch was a great success with the Juice Master Cold Press selling out unexpectedly quickly.


Our ongoing relationship with Jason speaks for itself. Over the years, we’ve created enough content for 5 books, 10 apps, and hundreds of hours of YouTube and Instagram content.

“These are really high-quality pieces of kit, and I wanted the way they’re presented to feel high-quality, like Audi or Apple. I’m so happy with everything that Alex and the team have created. I think they’ve nailed the brief!”