Super Fast Food

Jason Vale

Photography + Video + Branding + Design

Food Photography
Lifestyle Photography
Recipe Videos
Graphic Design


Social Media

The Brief

Super Fast Food is “Juice Master” Jason Vale’s first-and-only food book. We were asked to provide photography the book and app, and recipe video for the app and promotion on social media.

The Vibe

Delicious, natural, healthy.


The recipes within Super Fast Food are some of the tastiest “health” food you’ll even taste. We really wanted the photography and video to reflect this. Working with a stylist and photographer we scheduled several shoots over a three month window, as the recipes were being developed.

We assisted with the book typesetting and app development.

Finally, in the later stages before launch, we filmed the recipe videos with Jason presenting. These were filmed on a specially-built kitchen set with a lighting setup we designed to ensure beautiful back-lit close-ups of the food at the same time with flattering wide shots. We filmed a second set of “headless” videos as additional content for the app and social media promotion.


Our ongoing relationship with Jason speaks for itself. Over the years, we’ve created enough content for 5 books, 10 apps, and hundreds of hours of YouTube and Instagram content.

“This is my one and only food recipe book — it isn’t fast food, it’s super-food that you can make fast — so there was no question it had to look as mouth-watering delicious as the recipes are. Mission accomplished, I feel!”
Jason Vale